Tuesday, October 26, 2010


One of the first horses was called a Hyracotherium, it lived around 50 million years ago. When horse babies are born, they are born pure black. Horses can communicate with people by they way the are feeling by their facial expressions. They use their ears, nostrils and eyes to show their moods. Always beware of a horse if they have flared nostrils and their ears back, that means they are probably about to attack.


  1. chelsea I believe that you did a good job finding the information you have but I believe that you need to elabortate on information and add more to your post

  2. chelsea i think horses are nice animal and thay are beautiful and free willing and all horses should get to go in the wild

  3. Some pics of Hyracotheriums remind me of spotted dears, anyway, cool how horses use facial expressions to communcate their feelings.
